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Blogs & Features
This is the blog and writing section of our site. Please visit us often for more thought-provoking, Biblically grounded, and spiritually uplifting writings.

Feb 27 min read
The Spirit of Laodiceanism
"Laodiceanism" by adding the suffix "ism," I am referencing a belief that invokes distinctiveness, bordering on ideological stereotype...

Jan 62 min read
Life's Purpose
Imagine God is offering you anything you wanted—money, power, good looks, or health. What would you choose? In real life, this happened...

Dec 24, 20243 min read
God's Holy Days or Pagan Traditions--Which?
WHY settle for "weak" and "beggarly" celebrations when you can celebrate very rich and meaningful Holy days and festivals according to...

Nov 5, 20244 min read
Why All the Hate in the World?
Read the daily news, click on your cable tv, browse through your social media feeds and you can't help but notice how the world is full...

Nov 4, 20245 min read
The Future Resurrection
THE resurrection of the dead is one of the foundational tenets of Christianity, yet very rarely we hear from the preachers today talk...

Nov 1, 20246 min read
What Happens After Death?
IT IS a question that boggles everyone’s mind. Philosophers, scientists, and theologians don't seem to agree. Within Christianity,...

Oct 10, 20243 min read
Why Fast on the Day of Atonement
ON the 10th day of the seventh month (Tishrei) is the biblical holy day known as 'Yom ha-Kipurim' (or 'Yom Kippur'), the Day of...

Sep 21, 20243 min read
Feast of Trumpets 2024: Prepare to Meet Your God!
IN two carefully worded passages within the five books of Moses, is an instruction for God's people to observe what has become known as...

Aug 26, 20242 min read
What Makes a Hero?
A hero is the person who stays strong when facing serious and life threatening troubles. A Hero will find numerous ways to help other...

Jul 27, 20242 min read
Life's Meaninglessness?
Imagine God is offering you anything you wanted—money, power, good looks, or health. What would you choose? In real life, this happened...

Jun 7, 20244 min read
Firstfruits and Your Calling
Why you need to respond to God’s call today? And what will you be missing if you failed to do? God commanded the Day of Pentecost to be...

May 24, 20242 min read
What Does it Mean to be Holy?
1 Peter 1:15-16 |“As He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, ‘Be holy, for I am holy’”....

Apr 21, 20244 min read
Passover & the Death Angel: When Was the 'Passing-over'?
The 15th day of Nissan was to be a special feast day, a memorial day--a holy convocation, and Sabbath: “In the fourteenth day of the...

Apr 20, 20243 min read
The First Passover: Why Passover?
Passover or 'Pesach' in Hebrew is one of the most memorable annual events on the Jewish calendar and is directly tied up to the keeping...

Apr 17, 20244 min read
Passover Lamb: Type and Antitype
The Passover Lamb is a type and shadow of Jesus (Yeshua) the Messiah who is the true fulfillment of that prophecy. In this briefer, we...

Mar 15, 20242 min read
God's Word is Power
The Bible is the word of God. It is a collection of divine writings written by many authors (kings, governor, prophets, scribes, farmers,...

Mar 10, 20242 min read
God's Grace and Mercy
Two of the most misunderstood Biblical words and concepts in our Christian doctrine today are grace and mercy. While some people use the...

Mar 4, 20243 min read
What Was Cain and Abel's Rivalry All About (Genesis 4)?
FEW biblical stories are more intriguing and saddening than that of between brothers Cain and Abel. The fourth chapter of Genesis opens...

Mar 1, 20242 min read
Under Grace
What does to be under God's grace means? Many preachers point to Romans 6:14, which says, “You are not under law, but under grace,” to...

Feb 5, 20243 min read
The Falling Away
WHAT does it mean to "fall away" that the apostle Paul forewarned Timothy to happen in later times (1 Tim.4:1)? 1 Timothy 4:1-2 warned,...
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