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Blogs & Features
This is the blog and writing section of our site. Please visit us often for more thought-provoking, Biblically grounded, and spiritually uplifting writings.

Dec 22, 20246 min read
The Untold Story of Jesus' Birth
WAS JESUS born in December? If not, when was he born? And in what year? Any way, what difference does it make? These are questions often...

Dec 15, 20245 min read
Syria in History and Prophecy
Syria filled the news headlines in recent weeks for a very critical and historic event happening in this ancient Middle-Eastern nation....

Dec 13, 20242 min read
A Christian Observer Dec. '24 Issue: 'Where Are We Now In Prophecy?'
From the Editor: We have been going through the Book of Revelation in a series of articles, alternately or sometimes simultaneously with...

Nov 27, 20244 min read
The 'End of the World'--How Soon?
The end of the world…It's a chilling thought, isn't it? Whenever the phrase, "end of the world" would come wafting across my ears, I...

Nov 7, 20243 min read
The Trump Win--Will Things Get Better?
The results of the 2024 US elections is now out. The presumptive president-elect, Donald Trump won a landslide victory while carrying...

Oct 27, 20244 min read
What is the New Covenant?
What is the 'New Covenant', and what makes it better than the Old? As Christians how are we under the New Covenant (Heb. 8:8)? Hebrews 8:...

Sep 18, 20242 min read
How to be Wise
To be wise is commonly understood to having the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right. True wisdom is...

Jul 11, 20242 min read
Why I am a Sabbathkeeper?
'Why I am a Sabbathkeeper in 17 Verses of the New Testament (NT)'📚 Luke 4:16 It was practiced by Jesus himself-- "So He came to...

Jul 10, 20243 min read
What is the "Key of David"?
What is the “key of David” and what does it symbolize? The book of Revelation reads, “And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia...

May 13, 20247 min read
How Old is the Earth?
HUMAN civilization is six thousand years old and we are approaching the seventh millennium. But it doesn’t mean the earth is merely six...

Mar 15, 20242 min read
God's Word is Power
The Bible is the word of God. It is a collection of divine writings written by many authors (kings, governor, prophets, scribes, farmers,...

Feb 22, 20242 min read
What is Pure Religion?
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep...

Feb 16, 20243 min read
'Be Like the Bereans!'
IN Acts 17, an extraordinary community was noted by Luke the historian and was praised for their consistensy in studying and applying...

Feb 14, 20244 min read
What Was the Mark of Cain?
WHAT was the mark that God put on Cain (Gen. 4:15)? Genesis 4:15-16 introduced us to an enimatic judgment and a "mark" that directly came...

Feb 4, 20243 min read
Loving God with 'All Your Heart' (Series 1 of 4)
WHAT does it mean to love God with "all your heart"? In Mark 12:30 it tells us emphatically: "And you shall love the Lord your God with...

Feb 2, 20242 min read
A Christian Observer (Feb. Issue): 'The First Gog & Magog War'
THE Bible is very clear about two separate Gog and Magog Wars. The first one is found in the Old Testament with two chapters devoted to...

Feb 2, 20243 min read
Why Does the Bible Prohibit Eating Pork?
THE VERDICT (Oxford Biblical Studies): 'Why Does the Bible Prohibit Eating Pork?' The earliest evidence we have for the prohibition is...

Feb 1, 20244 min read
“Judge Not”—Did Christ Really Forbid Judging?
JESUS Christ once declared in no uncertain terms to, “Judge not, that you be not judged” (Matthew 7:11). What did He mean that we should...

Jan 31, 20241 min read
Is the Distinction Between Clean & Unclean Still Relevant?
Free #eBook IS the distinction of clean and unclean animals made in Leviticus 11:2-23, 41-45 (and in Deuteronomy14:3-20) still relevant...
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