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The History and Real Beginnings of the Church of God in Rome

FROM the Editor: This is a special issue that strives to study the beginnings of the true Church of God in Rome. As we are all aware, the Rome based Universal Church claims to have dominance over all Christian religious groups on the basis of the primacy of Peter and the primacy of Rome as the center of worship.

This is the enigma. If we believe and worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—isn’t the center of worship supposed to be Jerusalem?

Psalms 132:13—14 states in the New Living Translation, For the LORD has chosen Jerusalem, He has desired it for His home. “This is my resting place forever,” He said. “I will live here for this is the home I desired.”

We find in 2 Chronicles 6:6, Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over my people Israel.”

There is no Bible reference whatsoever that

names Rome as the preferred place of worship as far as this specific God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is concerned.

Yet, we have this Rome-based Universal Church (“universal” - that is what catholic means) claiming to worship the God of the Bible, and further claiming as the seat of Christian worship, which is actually a mix of pagan religious beliefs and practices sprinkled with Judeo-Christian terms.

In this is special issue of A Christian Observer, we will give a second look to the fact that this Universal Church is apostate from the very beginning (Please request a copy of January 2024 issue of A Christian Observer which is devoted to this topic by reprinting five research materials of author Ernest L. Martin). This is the woman spoken of in Revelation 17 who rode a beast [symbolic of a political power, specifically the military might of the Roman Empire]) to spiritually pollute the world with her abominations.

So where were the true Church of God in Rome? When was it established? Who established it? Who were the pioneer Christians? Where did they meet?

We will strive to unravel the mystery by consolidating the researches of various Church of God historians into a coherent reconstructed scenario on the founding of the Church of God in Rome.

This church is the woman spoken of in Revelation 12. The beginning history of the true Church of God has always been known to God’s people, and we share this to younger generation. --Rodel B Carating

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