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Rediscovering Pentecost

📂TWO (2) study eBooks on Pentecost--It's free to read/download! Click on the links below:

From the Introduction: "Rediscovering Pentecost" is a challenge to those who wrongly accused the Jews in not faithfully preserving God's word and oracles (the Sacred Writings, Calendar, etc) and of being wrong in a number of Holy Day observances. Christ and the original apostles were faithful Jews. When we label accusations against them, we accuse Christ in a way of keeping a wrong Holy Day or feast for that matter.

This booklet was written for the purpose of proving that the faithful Jews are right in Holy Day observance and that there is actually a lot we can learn from them especially in knowing and appreciating more deeply God’s Holy Days. It is also the purpose of the author to show that God is perfect in His ways and works in every way and every time.

Based on this character of God, a law that is perfect in every sense is therefore the true basis to determine whether the doctrine or biblical law we are keeping is authored by the Eternal or just a mere product of men’s imagination and assumptions.

Visualizing in our mind the prophecy or symbolism we believe to picture a holy day, should result in a perfect order of events about the reality itself. Otherwise, if inconsistencies arise or what is pictured is not in proper order, then most likely, what we believe is not authored by the Eternal. Restudying the matter will lead one to the truth.

May the Lord God help the readers in their study of God’s word, not only for the learning itself, but also in preparation for the great

responsibility in the near future as kings and priests in God’s kingdom.

1. "Rediscovering Pentecost" --->>

2. "When is Pentecost--Sunday, Monday, or Sivan 6?" ---->>


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