THE Bible is very clear about two separate Gog and Magog Wars. The first one is found in the Old Testament with two chapters devoted to this event—Ezekiel 38 and 39. This is the subject of our discussion in this article.
We need to understand its sequence or occurrence with regards to the other prophetic war, specifically the Armageddon War. Having watched many preachers in the YouTube about this topic, it seems only the Church of God gets it right.
It certainly takes God’s Holy Spirit to understand the sequence of events that will take place in the end time. We need a lot of prayers to have the understanding and discernment.
The second one is found in Revelation 20:7—10 which will take place when the 1,000 year reign of Jesus Christ is over, the rest of the dead are brought back to life, Satan is released from prison. This Second Gog and Magog War appears to occur at the interregnum between the end of the Seventh Millennium and the beginning of the Eighth Millennium (known as the New Heaven and New Earth); and can be considered as the climax, culmination, and conclusion of human history.
We have previously conducted a seminar on the First Vision of Ezekiel and this is summarized in two articles in the April, 2023 issue of A Christian Observer (Part 1—Introduction to the Book of Ezekiel and Part 2—The Chapter 1 Visions of Ezekiel). It may be helpful to request the April 2023 back issue to have a background on the chronology and content of the whole Book of Ezekiel, from Chapter 1 to Chapter 48. The focal point of this present article are Chapters 38 to 39, the First Gog and Magog War.
Regardless of what other preachers teach about Gog and Magog, we have to look at the whole book of Ezekiel so that we could properly place the First Gog and Magog War in the sequence of prophetic events as summarized in the Book of Revelation. - R.B. Carating (Editor)
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