From the Editor: We have been going through the Book of Revelation in a series of articles, alternately or sometimes simultaneously with the study of the Minor Prophets.
However, we are still in the seven churches. So as not to pre-empt our chapter by chapter and verse by verse discussion with our year-end theme in this issue, we will have a totally different approach for the four horsemen which are found in Revelation chapter 6.
The first horse and horse rider corresponding to the first seal is the most controversial. This is because there is another white horse and its rider found in chapter 19.
For all the controversies and contradictions about what is this white horse of the four horses of the Apocalypse, since Revelation 1:1 clearly states that this is the revelation of Jesus Christ, we stick to the sequential prophetic events as itemized by Jesus Christ in Matthew 24 when His disciples asked about the end of [this present] Age. It is not end of the world as found in the original Greek text, but the end of the age.
The first sign He mentioned is found in Matthew 24:4—5, And Jesus answered them, and said to them:
“Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in my name saying, ’I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.'"
So this is a fake Jesus Christ and a fake religious organization claiming to be the followers of Jesus. Usually, the starting timeline of the prophecy begins with the prophet who authored the book, in this case, the Apostle John. This fake Christianity would have begun as early as the apostolic times. How this began, simultaneous with the true Church of God, please request for the special issue of “A Christian Observer” - The Pioneer Roman Christians, free upon request.
In this issue, we take the opposite view, by discussing where is the true church—certainly it is not a building nor a corporate body registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) but a spiritual body. It consists of the called-out ones, whom God the Father desires to draw near Him, begotten and imbued with the Holy Spirit.
This means that one can find out where God’s people are meeting as registered in the SEC, attend their convocations, fellowship with the brethren, but the intimate relationship is between God and the individual. There is no such thing as salvation through membership in a SEC-registered church. Anyway, we will have the same approach in our discussion of the three other horses and horsemen.
Instead of looking at the symbolic meaning of the second seal (war), we discuss the opposite—peace. Instead of famine, we discuss a time of great abundance. Instead of sicknesses, pestilences, earthquakes and deaths, we look at eternal life as a gift from God.
December is the Christmas season, the birth of the fake Jesus Christ. Our final article is about this.
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